freedom is a habit I am trying to learn
documentary film with Rogine, Hanine, Waad and Zeina
HD video 43’ 18” (colour, sound) – 2019
I spent 24 hours with each of four women – Rogin, Waad, Hanin and Zeina – in the cities where they now live, Zutphen, Washington DC, Oslo and Sharjah respctively. All four of them cannot live anymore in their countries of origin, Syria and Lebanon.
Together, we share a moment of cooking, rolling on the floors of our new cities, talking about life, nothing and everything, our exile and our continious aims.
Commissioned by If I Can’t Dance I Don’t Want to be Part of yourRevolution – Amsterdam
Co-produced by Sharjah Art Foundation
Vimeo link: https://vimeo.com/507617751